Saturday, July 30, 2011

Almost a Mommy!!

My hubby and I have been blessed to be having a little girl due October 3. We are so excited to be starting a family and being parents. We named our little girl Rayne Victoria and can't wait to see her. My hubby has always wanted a girl named Rayne and I have a niece who I helped raise named Victoria. We have had names picked out for over a year now so it was very easy to come up with that. Being pregnancy has been great for the most part. I was sick for a few months at the beginning and had a little pain with ligaments stretching but I haven't had pain in a while. I love being pregnant and feeling Baby Rayne move everyday. My hubby will put his hand on my belly and she will move and he just laughs. It feels weird but we love it to know that she is okay in my tummy. We are having my parents help paint the baby room purple. We have a crib that we love picked out so we hope to order that soon and get the nursery set up for the most part before the baby gets here. I am 30 weeks now so we have 10 weeks left. We are just looking forward to see if she is going to be early or later than October 3. My hubby is going to be the best father and she is so blessed to have him. He loves to talk to her now and it makes me smile when he rubs my belly and talks to her. I know she recognizes his voice and will love him the first moment he holds her. I am so happy that he is going to be in the delivery room with me and that he is so excited for her to be coming. He is always sweet to me and making me happy so I know Baby Rayne will feel the same. He will have two spoiled girls instead of one. The daycare closed so I have been home since May. He works very hard at work and is working overtime some so he supports us very well. I am thankful that I can keep the house clean and cook for him so he can just come home and rest. I love spoiling him too and love giving him a lot of computer time. I love hearing him laugh while he is playing games with other people online. He has a lot of fun and it is his favorite thing to do. I want him to still be able to do that when the baby is here as well. He is taking two weeks off from work to stay home with me and I am so happy he decided to do that. I hope he gets plenty of time with us during those weeks before he has to go back to work. I enjoy our vacations now but I will enjoy them more when we have a little baby with us on vacation. It will be fun taking her to the zoo and swimming and things that she will like to do. We are so ready for Baby Rayne and can't wait to see her.